Selection Process

Selection of new board members is considered to be the most essential component of board structure. It is typically a highly structured process consisting of a call for nominations, vetting against specific criteria, and election/selection. 

Most associations will have a “nominating” or “leadership development” committee to oversee the process. The key difference is that a nominating committee may be focused on the specific year, while the leadership committee may be focused on a longer-term pipeline.

Staff play an important role in helping to manage the process and as a resource in helping to define criteria and providing feedback on specific candidates. 

There are several noteworthy trends in the selection process. Many boards are moving from representational (based on geography or constituency) to competency (skill) based: to smaller, but more diverse boards; and presentation of a single slate, as opposed to representative elections. It is important that associations manage this process transparently and carefully, so that the the board enjoys the highest degree of member support.  

Latest Resources

Article Report: Boards Seeking More Subject Expertise

NACD’s governance survey found that boards are facing more challenges than ever, and are seeking leadership help beyond strategic planning.

Template Application for Candidates for the Board of Directors

This sample questionnaire is used to collect information from prospective board members.

Template Executive Committee Member Job Description

This document outlines the Executive Committee Member Job Description for an association's leadership position.

Template Call for Nominating Committee Service

This template seeks Nominating Committee Members to help identify and develop leaders for a Board of Directors.

Template Board Member Job Description

This sample document is a Board Member Job Description outlining the role, responsibilities, and qualifications for individuals serving on an association's board of directors.

Article The CEO’s Role in Board Selection

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Research Case Study: Establishing Transparency

This group specifically sought to create more transparency in its nomination, recruitment, and selection practices.

Research Nomination, Recruitment, and Selection Process

Successful boards drive the strategic direction of an association toward achieving its mission and vision, making it critical to have the right people.

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