Strategic planning is a discipline which requires understanding and adherence to key principles. How a plan is developed is as important as the plan itself.
It is important that any strategic plan is future focused, data driven, engages the key stakeholders of the organization, and is consistent with the association’s, mission, vision, values and culture. The time horizon for the plan should be within a predictable range, normally 3-5 years. The board needs to take an active role in evaluating the strategic plan and adopt an annual practice of reviewing progress towards goals.
Often strategic plans emerge as a “laundry list” of activities without clear prioritization. It is important that the plan set expectations consistent with staff, financial, and infrastructure resources. In addition, responsibility and accountability need to be clear. Program evaluation is also essential, as well as the consideration to sunset outdated programs, to allow resources for new initiatives.
Quite frequently, boards will mix strategies and tactics. Strategy is the overarching plan designed to reach long- term goals. Tactics are the specific actions taken to achieve the strategic goals.