How the work gets done
Board operations refer to the activities and processes that a board of directors undertakes to fulfill its responsibilities. It includes the frequency, design and execution of board meetings; the structure of board agendas and resource materials; decision making or parliamentary processes; structure of minutes; and the board policy manual—its use and enforcement.
Board deliberations and decisions form the basis of strategy, resource allocation, policy, and accountability. Boards act not as individuals but collectively to advance the mission of the organization and its members. Directors are expected to exercise their fiduciary duties of care, obedience and loyalty. Board chairs and CEOs collaborate on the design of the board agenda—care must be taken to provide board members adequate information for decision making. Attention must be paid to maintaining appropriate confidentiality and managing conflict of interest. Most boards will meet 3-4 times per year, in person and/or virtually.
Follow-up to meetings is critically important. Staff and committees will need information on board decisions to carry out their responsibilities. Good communication is essential to building member trust.